Wednesday, March 9, 2011


A message between my bestie and I on why I am so amazing...
Basically she asked me questions about my amazing blog and I answered.

Why did you start to blog?
I originally started it over the summer just for fun to blog about my hilarious life and how funny I am. Of course never actually got around around to posting (obviously I have better things to do with my time), and finally started when I got to Italy.

What inspires you to blog?
It's kind of like my diary, only I am sharing all my experiences with others, which is pretty cool. I like being able to say whatever I want and not care who reads it. I am an open book. Hopefully one day I will be discovered because of how amazing I am! I also hope it won't come back to me one day when I am trying to get a job. Haha.

What do you generally blog about?
Italy. Interesting enough? I think so. It basically consists of random stories or funny things I want to share. If you think about it a blog is a pretty self absorbed thing. Its all about me, me, me. Do I mind? No.

How would you describe your blog?
It has a little bit of everything. Mostly I write about Italy, what I have done and seen etc. I also have ones about fashion, food, and just random things I feel like saying. Look out for my blog on cheese, coming soon.

Who reads your blog?
Hmm well I am pretty sure my only religious reader is my mother, but I do seem to have quite a few page views so maybe I am even more popular than I think?

Why do you think blogging is on the rise?
I think it is a way for people to express themselves. There are a lot of cool interesting people out there that I will never know, but maybe by chance if I have read their blog I will feel like I know them in some small way. It's a way to put yourself out there and let the rest take its course. Who knows, anything could happen right?

What blog outlet do you use? (Do you use tumblr, wordpress,etc?) Why?
I use blogspot. I originally started out with wordpress, but lets face it, I want to be a comedian not a computer genius. I decided to switch to blogspot, which was much simpler for my challenged computer brain.

What other social networks (facebook, twitter) do you use and why?
I use facebook to keep in touch with my friends and family. I was addicted to facebook for a long time and it just wasted so much time. Being abroad it has a different use. It is a way for me to keep updated on life at home. Psh twitter? Started an account, made a status, and haven't looked at it since. People still follow me and I don't get why. If you want my opinion (I know you do) all of these random technologies are ruining the human race and our ability communicate in person. So how about next time you go on your computer and read my blog. I guarantee it will be the best thing you did all day. :)

Spanks Ari, I ruv you!

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