Friday, February 4, 2011

The adventures continue..

Locks of Love

February 4

So lets see where have I left off. Yesterday Becky and I went on a run through the Ponte Vecchio and along the water. I am clearly very out of shape, but the run wasn’t that bad. I really enjoyed it and I could have run for days. Besides the fact that I was finishing up my breakfast of bread and cheese during the beginning of the run, which didn’t prove to do so well towards the end seeing that I was basically hacking it up. I will definitely never run and eat again.

Then we came back and got ready for class. Went to class and shortly after left because it was probably the most boring hour I have ever had to sit through. Not at all what I expected, so I instead I met Kelsey and we walked along the way, walked though the arch, walked some more, and then did that all over again. Naturally, I ate a mozzarella and tomato sandwich during the walk and then grom. Then more class, Italian, which is another terrifying experience. This time we learned 1-100 and I probably could only give you 1-10 if that.

After class we went to the whole foods of Florence, which was quite fantastic. We each bought about 2 bottles of alcohol and proceeded to drink once we got back to the apartment so it’s safe to say I got pretty drunk early in the evening and this lead to some binge eating of fresh bread, cheese, and more cheese. Then came exhaustion and finally a recharge so I could start getting ready to drink again and go out.

First stop: The Lion’s Fountain, a fun pub with t-shirts from every college on the wall, but far too many people in such a small space. Don’t even get me started on the karaoke. Of course I would love to go back once it’s less crowded and I can enjoy a nice pint of brewski (sp?) to myself.

Second stop: 21, a legit underground club with a huge dance floor and huge black men providing us with drinks and sparklers. Sophia started chatting one up and it was VIP from there. Literally these black men were pimps. They provided the alcohol and girls follow. Definitely just harmless fun though! It was all quite hilarious to watch. I saw two girls scared to dance with the big black men, but they looked at each other as if they were almost forced because the bottle of Belvedere was arriving. No way do I want to get in that mess. Eventually I got in a bad mood and Becky, Kels, and I were ready to leave. We exit the club having know idea where we are, but little did we know the Duomo was a block away. I have a feeling we will be frequenting that club again.

This leads us to the end of the night and going to bed at 3:30am. And since I can’t sleep in for the life of me I woke up right at 9:30am. Whoopee. Today we basically ran errand after errand, which means going from copisteria to book store to get everything we need for school. It’s weird how they do things here. The teacher compiles a bunch of different chapters/articles and the copisteria forms it into this bound book. It’s actually really convenient and probably saves paper. I think America could learn a thing or two from Florence. I also think I might actually read this semester! This leads me to where I am sitting right now, in my bed because I am tired, my feet are throbbing, and my knee hurts. I am an old woman. Except not really because I am going out tonight. I mean come on; it’s a Friday night... Just kidding, i wrote this before I knew that I was going to get home watch She's the Man and pass out at midnight. Figures.

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